Yesterday I served as an Assistant Inspector for the California Special Election. Precinct #644 was at Pacheco School -- the school I attended from Kindergarten (Fall of 1964) to Eighth Grade (June of 1973). What a "Walk Down Memory Lane" for me. The cafeteria looked exactly the same (only a different paint color). On my breaks (Note: It was a sssssslllllooooowwwww day -- only 74 voters in an 11-hour period), I walked the halls, peeked in the various classrooms I used to be in, and used the same restrooms. Really, not much had changed. What wonderful memories I have of my years spent there and the great friends I made! My mind was just "thinking back" all day long!
Before school started, I looked up and saw one of the teachers I had in 7th and 8th grade walk in the Cafeteria door. I was soooooo shocked!! Mrs. Glazzard is retiring in 13 days after working at Pacheco School for 38 years. I was blown away to think that one of my teachers was still there after all those years. We talked about old times, other teachers, and our fun time with the Drill Team (Mrs. Glazzard was the Advisor for our Drill Team).
Throughout the day, as people came in to vote, I saw soooo many people I knew but had not seen for so many years. People from North Valley Baptist Church, parents of kids I went to school with, parents of my brother's friends, men who worked with my Dad, and old-time friends of my parents. I was referred to as "Waldo's daughter", "Waldo and Marie's daughter", "Wes' little sister", and (of course) "Julie
There were two precincts at Pacheco School. Two of the ladies working on the other precinct have known my family since before I was born. Both of their husbands worked with my Dad for years. What fun it was to visit with them throughout the day! I also had the great opportunity to get acquainted with some new "friends" I had never worked with before. I had a great big smile on my face all day!!
P.S. Oh, did I forget to mention, I will be getting a check for $100 for serving on the election board!!! HURRAY!!!