This last weekend, the Haley Family (and some friends) gathered at my Aunt Monda's in Palo Cedro for a Family Reunion. There were 70 of us. People came from Idaho, Washington, Oklahoma, Missouri, Southern California, Mexico, and all over California.
People started arriving early in the week, and each night we meet at my Aunt's house to do what Haleys love to do best -- EAT!!! Wednesday night, 25 of us gathered for a BBQ. Thursday night, there were 22 for a delicious lasagna dinner. Friday night, 29 family members enjoyed a fantastic Mexican buffet prepared by my aunt and cousin.
On Saturday, we had our traditional potluck with all the favorite "Haley dishes". My Uncle Bob made homemade ice cream in his soft-serve machine (commercial size). We ate, visited, ate, looked at family pictures, ate, took group photos by family, and ate some more!!
Before everyone headed out on Sunday, we met at Hometown Buffet for brunch.
This is how my branch in the family tree all started. Here's a picture of my Granddad and Grandma Haley (Charles and Helen). They had nine children (one died at birth and another died when he was five months old). Now there are only five children living.

So, here's the group shot from the Reunion on Saturday (and there are more people that were not able to come):

We took a "first cousins" picture. These are all of my grandparents' grandchildren (minus Nena, Kathy, Larena, Zoanne, Justin, and Rena):

And last, but not least, here's the Waldo Haley family. We are the smallest family group of all my grandparents' children. What we lack in numbers, we make up for in SPIRIT!!!!!

What a great weekend!!!