The last post of Spirit Week...some of you are probably breathing a sign of relief. But, Hilary always loved Spirit Week, and one of the disadvantages of being away at college is missing out on her brother's participation in things like this. So, these posts have been at Hilary's request. :0)
Sorry for the picture overload!! At Redding Christian High School, each class picks a prince and princess to represent their class. The senior class choses four guys and four girls who are the king and queen candidates. Here is the whole high school homecoming court:

And just the girls...

And just the boys...

Here are the seniors that were chosen. Back Row: Cassie, Ben, Hannah, Lyle, Trygg, Emilee Front Row: Brennen and Korina

Lyle escorted Korina:

The pictures I took in the Gym did not turn out well because it was sooo dark, but the Gym looked beautiful. The committee in charge of Homecoming did a great job:
Here is the 2012 Homecoming King and Queen - Brennen and Korina:
Lyle and Queen Korina:
Lyle and King Brennen:

Lyle and his BFF, Hannah:

Before they announced the King and Queen, they announced the winner of the coveted Spirit Trophy. Lyle's class won it last year when they were Juniors, and they were soooooo hoping to win it again this year. They add up all the points from the week (games, dress up, spirit change, float, etc.) and that determines who will win the overall trophy. OH YES, THE SENIORS WON!!!!

After the activities, we took this family picture. Sad that we were missing Hilary and Ethan.
And, just for fun, this is the family picture we took in February 2008 when Hilary was a senior princess at RCHS homecoming: