If you come to the musical, be sure and watch for this little guy:

Congratulations, Lyle!! YOU ROCK!!!!
for better or for worse (Being married isn’t always easy, and Bob and I do not have a perfect marriage. Yes, there have been many “worse” times mixed in with the “better”.)
for richer or for poorer (We haven’t experienced the “richer” part yet :), but we have certainly experienced the “poorer” part.)
in sickness and in health (between the two of us we have had 8 surgeries over the last 25 years ,and Bob’s ongoing health issues have taught us to life each day to the fullest.)
to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.
And here we are 25 years later…
Hilary's facial expression says just one thing:
What would you do without me to translate for you?
Trying her new Skull Candy Headphones out:
A fun card game together...
1. I can't even believe I am posting a picture of myself on my blog!!! What am I thinking? (I did it because I really wanted you to see my amazing friend Kim! :)
2. Hilary, this picture shows you one of the reasons I HATE having two different colored eyes. Whenever I have a picture taken, my eyes look HORRIBLE!!!! So, yes, I wish I could trade eyes with you!!
Okay, on to my post:
I have known Kim for about 35 years. We grew up in the same church, and I have fond memories of fun times with Kim in the high school youth group. My husband worked with her husband at her Dad's plumbing business for years. Bob and I didn't have children for six years, so we had some fun times babysitting Tyler (Can't believe he is all grown up now!!).
Kim and I have not seen each other very much over the last several years; but, thanks to the blogging world, we have reconnected!! Kim is a faithful follower of my blog. I love opening up and finding a comment from Kim. She is soooo faithful at commenting!! Thanks, Kim!!
We met last night at YAK's (a local coffee shop). What a great time of reconnecting -- sharing about our lives, talking about our children, and sharing how the Lord is working in our lives. I always thought Kim was an amazingly sweet person, and she hasn't changed a bit!! Thank you, Kim, for a wonderful time!