After we dropped Lyle off at school, we went to Deja Vu for breakfast:
They also have a special exhibit of a T. Rex named Sue, the largest, most complete, and best preserved T. rex fossil yet discovered. Sue was discovered in the summer of 1990 in Faith, South Dakota:
Can I just add something here? It is a shame that Turtle Bay charges so much. It makes it so hard for local families to go there, and it is a neat place!! Enough about that subject! I could go on and on sharing my opinion on that topic.
After Turtle Bay, we went to the movies. We saw 500 Days of Summer! We even splurged and shared popcorn and a soda. We both enjoyed the movie. Their advertisement says, "This is not a love story; it is a story about love." I won't spoil it for those who want to see it or rent it someday.
After the movie, we went to Epperson's Furniture Store in Anderson. I am dreaming about a couch I saw there (notice I said "dreaming"), and I wanted Bob to see it. We also went to Walmart in Anderson and "dreamed" about the flat screen televisions. :)
We ended the day with dinner at Cool Hand Luke's. Our dear friends, the Kesslers, had given us a gift certificate when they were here visiting to use for our anniversary dinner. THANK YOU, KESSLERS!!! YOU ARE AWESOME FRIENDS!!!
I have never had a dozen roses, and I always dreamed about getting some. Well, Bob had some help -- He went to his own personal florist (Diehl Flowers). Carmen bought the flowers, arranged them, made the beautiful bow and delivered them. They are sooooooo pretty, don't you agree?? Thank you, Carmen, for helping Bob!
What a great day celebrating 25 years of you two as a married unit! I enjoyed all the things you did. I haven't been to see the lego exhibit yet (also too expensive) and had been wondering about the movie! Your descriptions were wonderful! Congratulations!