Celebration #1:
Friday night we celebrated my BFF Kaylynn's 50th Birthday!!! We celebrated with her family at a wonderful dinner held in the backyard at the Kinnier's home. We enjoyed BBQ steak, french bread, potato salad, a very delicious green salad, chocolate cake, and homemade vanilla ice cream. YUMMY!!!!! After dinner we sat around visiting and laughing until almost midnight.
I met Kay in 1968 and we have been best friends every since. Kaylynn has such a sweet spirit. If you met her, you would love her to pieces!!! I teased Kay about being OLD because she is 23 days older than me. :)
Celebration #2:
Saturday, Bob and I were invited to a celebration as Betsy Wetmore and Dennis Carver exchanged wedding vows. We have known Betsy forever (or so it seems), and we loved being part of this celebration and seeing people we had not seen in years. Betsy has waited many years for God to bring along that special someone. Congratulations Betsy and Dennis!! We pray God's blessings of your marriage.
Celebration #3:
My Moma's 72nd birthday. My brother, Wes, came up for the weekend. On Saturday night, we all went out to dinner at Cattlemen's and back to our house for cake, ice cream, presents, and a fun game of cards!!
Thanks for sharing your great weekend! I agree with you about Kaylynn- she is the sweetest ever! I love the picture of the 2 of you. Congrats to Betsy as well. And your mom looks like an angel in front of that cake. Hope she enjoyed her special day!