We've had a very busy, but fun week. Hilary and I attended Denise Little's Annual Christmas Tea. She makes the most delicious and elegant goodies. It's a great time to visit with some people we haven't seen all year and others we see more often. This is something Hilary and I have been doing for years, and we always look forward to it soooo much!
We all went to the Shasta District Fairgrounds to the Christmas Extravangaza. What fun! We walked around all the buildings, watched the people ice skating, looked at all the beautiful lights, and took a fun horse-drawn carriage ride.
On Tuesday, we made Gingerbread Houses. I have always done this with my kids. Even though they are "grown up", they still wanted me to help them. We certainly missed Uncle Wes and Lee this year.
Lyle's House:

Hilary's House:

On Wednesday, I sang in the choir at the Christmas Eve Eve (yes because it was held on December 23rd) Service. It is always soooooooo much fun to sing in the choir at Redding Neighborhood Church. It's nice because I am getting to know some people through singing at Easter and Christmas. It was especially nice to sing in the choir with my friend, Kim!
On Christmas Eve morning, my friend Karen and I have a tradition of helping the Salvation Army. We rang bells at K Mart this year from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. I so enjoy visiting with Karen and seeing people I know and helping out a good cause -- all at the same time!!!
We spent Christmas Eve at my Moma's house. Enjoyed delicious "snack food" and some presents. My Moma and brother came to our house yesterday for breakfast, Christmas dinner, presents, and lots of card games.
My prayer is that each of you had a Merry Christmas!! In spite of the economy and things happening in the world, we have so much to be thankful for this year. A special thank you to each and every one of you for your gift of friendship! That's better than any present I received under the tree.
P.S. Several of you have asked me to post a picture of my tree, but I got a little intimidated by everyone's theme trees and elegant trees. But, I do love my tree with all the sentimental ornaments on it. So...here's a picture:
What a beautiful tree, Julie! Merry Christmas!