And then I got to thinking (and, of course, Satan “helped” me by planting negative thoughts in my mind – all of which I listened to) about something I had been praying about off and on for over a year. Despite many prayers, the outcome wasn’t what I expected. Sometimes I would get discouraged, give up, and stop praying. My frustration comes because I think I know better than God. I decide how my prayer should be answered, and I am not pleased when the Lord’s answer may differ from mine. While Jesus does promise that we will receive an answer when we ask (Matthew 7:8), He doesn’t promise that we will get what we ask for. Instead, He promises that we will get what we need. I have no idea why God answers different prayers in different ways except that He, being all-wise and all-knowing, is aware of what is the best for us - sometimes that is to answer a prayer in the negative. Unfortunately, many times throughout this past year, my response has NOT been, “God is sooo good!”
It’s easy to believe God is good when your life is free from trials and your prayers are getting answered like you want. But do we believe God is good when our life is in turmoil, and we are not receiving the answer we want from God? As the Gaither Vocal Band sings, “God is good, yes He is. He’s good all the time….He’s not good just now and then, He’s good all the time!” Let’s not just say the words, let’s really believe them!!
God IS good! Thank you for sharing your heart and reminding me how fickle I can be as well in that area. Love ya!
ReplyDeleteAmen! :)