A powder puff football game is an end-of-the-year tradition at Redding Christian High School. The sophomore and senior girls take on the freshmen and junior girls. The boys from these classes who want to participate are the cheerleaders. The freshmen and juniors won. The prize is nothing else than bragging rights (and, of course, a cool t-shirt to wear all next year).
This year, the game was held at night on the football field so the parents could watch and cheer. I must say, we were a “rowdy group” in the stands. Mr. Schneck was the announcer and did a great job!!
The sophomore and seniors were the "Dangerous Dragons"...

And the freshman and juniors were "911, We're Your Emergency"...

Here's those "Dangerous Dragons" cheerleaders rooting for their team...

At the beginning of halftime, the 911 cheerleaders came running in from the sidelines with stretcher and a small stuffed dragon. They stopped in front of the stands, and one of the cheerleaders hopped up on the stretcher and started performing CPR on the dragon. Finally, he gave up and pronounced to the crowd, "The dragon is dead!"

Here is Lyle's cheerleader squad doing their halftime routine to music...

The Dangerous Dragons lost :0( but we still went to Good Times Pizza to "celebrate" all the fun we had with a delicious milkshake.

Jeff, Lyle, Garrett, Hannah and Jillian
I'm SOOOOOO thankful for RCHS. Not only do they have strong academic standards, but they provide lots of opportunity for the kids to have good, clean fun and build memories!
Enjoyed seeing the powder puff pictures very much. Looked like a really good time. Just like Lyle said today, "it's all about the shirt".