Young people spend a great deal of time searching the Web, pouring over books, catalogs, and brochures, visiting campuses, taking SAT tests, gathering recommendations, working on an application and keeping up your grades - all in the name of "going to college". Then they wait for months for that envelope that will arrive in the mail and begin to set their course for the future.
Well, Hilary received that envelope in the mail - her acceptance to Humboldt State University!

I am excited for her, and CONGRATULATIONS are definitely in order!! B-U-T...(yes a capital B, U, and T), I had such mixed emotions. Letting go is challenging! It has to be done, and I will be able to get through it. I have no choice but to get through it. I know it wouldn't be fair to keep her home and not allow her to go to college just because I worry. She has worked hard for this and deserves this opportunity.
So, we'll enjoy this next 9 months and cross that bridge when it comes! :0) Congratulations, Hilary!
Congratulations Hilary and to you and Bob for all those great genes in having such smart kids! You will do better than you think and Humboldt is only a hop, skip and a jump from here! My aunt and uncle live there if she needs anything....