Powderpuff Football Games are an annual tradition at Redding Christian High School. Each May, the seniors/sophomores girls play against the juniors/freshmen. And, the boys serve as the cheerleaders for the game and do a dance routine during half time. This year, Lyle's team was the Vicious Villians. Although it is a lot of fun to participate, the main reason to be a part of Powderpuff is to get a cool t-shirt you can wear:

Here's Lyle looking "vicious":
Our girls were all excited and ready to play:

Here's the cheerleaders, leading the crowd in a cheer:

Unfortunately, the guys didn't get to do their routine during half time because the sound system would not work, and our team lost. But, it was a fun evening watching the girls and guys making high school memories; visiting with other parents in the stands; and, of course, getting a cool t-shirt!
Wow that vicious look is pretty scary! ;-) Those are fun memories though.