I absolutely LOVE the fun things Redding Christian High School has for the students. Each month the Student Council plans a great activity for fun and fellowship! On March 9th they had a Sock Hop! (I know, I'm soooo far behind in blogging). They had sooooo much fun! Dressing Up.Eating.Dancing. = FUN!
Jeff, Hannah and Lyle
The senior class members that attended the Sock Hop |
Then on April 10th, Redding Christian School sponsored "One Day Without Shoes" through Toms Shoes. The whole school was invited to participate. When you arrived at school, you "checked" your shoes in at the office and got them back at the end of the day. The purpose of this activity was to experience what children in other parts of the world experience -- having no shoes to wear! It was a cold and rainy day, so the kids REALLY got a feel for what it is like for less fortunate children. T-shirts were available for sale, and the proceeds went to purchasing Toms Shoes. The elementary students were given a coloring page so they could design their own Toms Shoe.
Super great idea! Way to go RCS! Love that Senior pic in the car too! So fun!