Finally this evening I have a few free moments AND a turn on the computer (which doesn’t happen very often). I have so much “catch up” posts to do -- Hilary’s graduation, a wedding, Haley Family Reunion, etc. But, the last few weeks have been especially busy and difficult. I have spent myself on other people, and I am suddenly feeling the emptiness of pouring out. Life has left me feeling weary!
My Mom was “under the weather” for two weeks and then ended up in the hospital for five days and Copper Ridge Care Facility for a week. Needless to say, it has been an exhausting and emotional few weeks.
Our 4th of July camping trip that I had looked sooooo forward is off. I have not been able to spend the quality time I dreamed about with my daughter this summer before she leaves for college. And, I must admit, I am feeling disappointed and discouraged right now. Yes, life hands us lemons sometimes! I know, my woes are petty compared to what some of you are dealing with. I admit they are petty and small, but they are mine.
I don’t want to waste time feeling depressed over what I can’t do this summer. I need to find delight in the small pleasures that are mine this summer.
Well, so much for a “catch up” post. Instead, just a small glimpse into my heart!
A Different Life
5 years ago