Friday, April 3, 2009

Introducing the George Mueller Look Alike...

George Mueller -- 1805 - 1898

"Born in Prussia in 1805, George Mueller began running from God early in life. By age ten he had devised a scheme to embezzle government money entrusted to his father. He spent his schooldays in drunken immorality. He even served time in jail at age sixteen for failing to pay his bills. He continued his sinful habits during his college days until finally at age 20 the burden of his sins overcame him and he trusted Christ as Saviour.

Soon he committed himself to a full-time gospel ministry. When Mueller was twenty-five, he went to Teignmouth, England, with his new wife, Mary, to pastor a small church. He gave up the small salary offered when he discovered it was paid through the rental of church pews. From that time on he resolved to live by faith.

Mueller moved in 1832 to Bristol, England, to be the pastor of another church. There his famous work with the orphans began when two young children were thrown upon the church's care. Mueller had only two shillings to his name when he began the orphanage work, but over the next sixty years God sent more than $7,500,000 to supply their needs. New buildings were built or purchased, staff was hired, and the hundreds of children never missed a meal. Many times prayers were said over empty plates only to have food arrive at the last moment. Mueller resolved never to tell anyone what his needs were. He told them to God and confidently expected them to be met.

During his life, Mueller started 117 schools which educated over 120,000 young people and orphans. He became pastor of Bethesda Chapel in Bristol. The church had some 2,000 members at his death."

Every year at Redding Christian High School, the students are required to read a Christian biography and participate in Christian Hero Day. On Christian Hero Day, the entire high school (110 students plus teachers) dress as the hero they read about and go to a local school to make a presentation, pretending to be that hero.

So...this morning Lyle left for school dressed as George Mueller (read about his life above)...

Here's Lyle giving his presentation to a group of first graders. When he was done, the kids were allowed to ask questions.

A picture of Lyle's group. They all did a great job. The group made up a word search puzzle with the names of the five Christian Heros for the kids to do. The first graders thought that was really cool.

After all the presentations, we went to Simpson University for a time of fellowship and eating donuts!! Then, back to school!

As you can imagine, they needed lots of drivers for 110 students plus teachers, so I signed up to drive. I freaked out last night when I found out I wouldn't be driving Lyle and/or any of his friends. I had four kids in my little car that I didn't even know. AWKWARD!!! Another thing that was "out of my comfort zone".

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