Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Belated, Special Birthday Greeting!!!

Do any of you remember my post from May 4th? If you don't remember or you were not reading my blog then, I'll post it below:

POST TITLE: I'm So Bummed!

As most of you know, I am a HUGE Randy Travis fan!! I love all of his songs!! I attended one of his concerts years ago, and I would absolutely love to go to another one. Well, today is Randy Travis' 50th birthday, and I am so bummed he didn't invite me to his party :) It's not like he can't afford to invite all his fans. Doesn't he know that I had planned to invite him to my 50th birthday party in October?

Happy Birthday, Randy!!!

P.S. Since you didn't invite me to your party, could you PLEASE call me in October and sing "Happy Birthday"?

Well...guess what? My brother, Wes, called his friends, Greg and Lisa (who worked with my brother at the San Francisco Chronicle for years and still works there), to see what they could do. Lisa wrote Randy a letter (on S.F. Chronicle letterhead, of course) and sent him a copy of the above blog post.

AND, GUESS WHAT I GOT IN THE MAIL?? You guessed right!!! An autographed picture with a birthday greeting.

Now I know that I wanted Randy to call me and sing Happy Birthday, but this is better. Happy Birthday contains 16 words, and we all know that a "picture paints a thousand words".


  1. LOVE IT!!! What a memorable 50th present! I love the story behind it as well. Did they give you a copy of the letter? That should be framed with the picture. HOW FUN!!

  2. That is very nice !!! i am so happy for you Julie!!! love,
